Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Time at the Paulk's

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!  The holiday season truly is my favorite time of year.  All the time spent with friends and family, wonderful decorations, amazing dinners and smells of the season, coats and scarves, and so much more.  The main reason I love it so much is because I'm reminded how truly blessed I am.  It's amazing how God continues to bless Brett and I daily, we are truly thankful, and should be showing our gratitude more!!  If the holiday season wasn't filled with lights and tinsel, home cooked dinners and a red and green wardrobe I hope that I would still enjoy this time of year just as much.  If we had nothing I hope I would still be just as grateful as I am now for I will always have the blessing of Christ's love for (which is HUGE!!!!!! I'm so unworthy, but He is so good!!).  God is so good, and I am thankful!!

On Veterans Day Brett and I were both off work so while he was doing things in the garage I was inside decorating the house for Christmas (yes, this was 2 weeks before Thanksgiving!!).  I was a little excited, it was the first time I was decorating my own home!!  Many of our Christmas decorations were wedding gifts so it was so fun to open them back up and be reminded of how truly amazing and perfect our wedding was.  It was so much fun filling our home with all the decorations of Christmas, but I was reminded (again by reading another's blog) again that if we didn't have all of this, would I be satisfied?  Am I satisfied with Christ's love alone?  I think I am, I pray that I am, and I ask friends to let me know if I am not living accordingly!!  I read the hymn, In Christ Alone, and wow did it touch me.  So as you scroll through some of the pictures of our home this holiday season I will have the lyrics to this wonderful song...

In Christ alone my hope is found

he is my light, my strength, my song;

this Cornerstone, this solid Ground 

firm through the fiercest drought and storm.

What heights of love, what depths of peace,

when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!

My comforter, my All in All

here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone!  who took on flesh

Fluness of God in helpless babe!

This gift of love and righteousness

scorned by the ones he came to save:

till on that cross as Jesus died,

The wrath of God was satisfied-

For every sin on him was laid;

here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the fround His body lay

Light of the world by darkness slain:

Then bursting forth in glorious Day

Up from the grave he rose again!

And as He stands in victory

Sin's curse has lost its grip on me.

For I am His and He is mine-

Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

We try to have our home be a place that is open for anyone to come in and always be welcome.  Our house is not huge by any means, but it is perfect for us and we couldn't need anything else.  We like to ultimately fill our house with love 365 days a year.  An abundant love for Christ and an abundant love of each other through Christ.  If you're ever in the neighborhood stop on by!!

Merry Christmas, love the Paulk's

Monday, November 15, 2010

I finally got my picture thing to start working!  So here are a few random ones!!

my 26th birthday, and yes I had some of both cakes :)

Brett and I got creative one night and made this door sign, we make a great team!

Penn State game, Candace, Brittany, and I

my date for the Penn Sate game

My dad and Robin came up for the UA vs Florida game, it was such a great weekend, we so enjoyed showing them where we lived and sharing them with friends!

We found my brother, Zane, tailgating with some other Florida fans

Brett held his first little one!!  He usually waits for them to be at least one year old, but how could anyone resist this sweet sweet boy!!  We love Luke, and the whole Guinn family!

Brett and I at the Florida game.. RTR!!!

My classroom's pumpkin for the pumpkin carving contest...
The Blue Room Express!!!

For trunk or treat this year we were part of the "Paulk Duo, Boykin, and Breedlove.. The Greatest Show on Earth".  Brett and I were the knife thrower and assistant. 

Such a fun circus!

Brett and I at LSU.. not the best outcome game, but we still had a good time, and would like to return to Baton Rouge sometime!

So that's what's been going on with us, well a little glimpse!! We're always on the go, but full of joy in all we do.  We are looking forward to the holidays to spend time with family and friends and reflect on all our many many blessings!!  This truly is my most favorite time of year... and yes, the Christmas decorations are already up in the Paulk house :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

It's been too long!!

Well I have been too long with adding a post!! Not that too much exciting has happened, but still!! Life is great for the Paulk's! Were still always on the go, but loving every minute of it!

recently I decided to get off of Facebook, so if anyone has looked for me there, that's why you couldn't find me! It was way too much of a time waster for me. I was truly obsessed with it, sad I know, and it would be the last thing I looked at before bed, and the first thing in the morning I'd want to check. THere are so many better things I could be doing with that time.. Reading God's word, having quiet time, talking with Brett, or even sleeping! Another problem I would have with facebook is that I would be very judgemental about things I'd see and even get jealous of things I would see that others had, and there is just no sense in that!! Brett and I are blessed beyond measure and that's what I should focus on and sing praise for it!! I may or may not decide to get back on facebook... we'll see!!

Brett is now finished with his little league flag football team, so now it's on to... Basketball!! He'll be coaching that same 2nd grade age group for PARA basketball this winter, from one thing on to the other-- we wouldn't have things any other way!!

We have been enjoying this fall season spending lots of time with friends and family, having great tail gates, loving our Alabama Football team-even depsite some poor games, it's just so much for us, and we're so glad to live in this town and enjoy it all!!

Work is great for us both, we are both really enjoying our jobs. Brett at the Sate Highway Department, and me with my precious 4/5 year olds. We are both learning something new everyday and trying to make the most of it!!

I'll try to post some pictures later, for some reason blogger is just not cooperating with me these days in uploading my pictures!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

“Love one another, for love is of God. He who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love, does not know God, for God is love, God is love… Love bears all things, believes all things, love hopes all things, endures all things… Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all they soul, all thy strength all thy mind. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart for God is love, God is Love… God is love”

Oh, the words to my favorite song. The song that Brett and I, along with the congregation sung during our wedding ceremony. A song that I could listen to over and over, and hold out hope that we’ll sing it every Sunday at church. However as I type it out, I’m reminded that how even though I may enjoy listening to it and singing it… but do I live it out??

Yes, to my husband I do, Brett is my number one love on this Earth, and I thank God for giving me this amazing partner daily! Brett and I are so blessed to get to hang out with the youth group at University Church, and in the past year we have learned so much from them, and look forward to learning more (as well as hoping to teach them a thing or two ☺). This school years theme is “Live Love”. What a wonderful theme!! Logan and Lindsey (the youth ministers, who are totally awesome and I could make an entire post on how much Brett and I think of them, and enjoy their friendship) brought the first lesson last Wednesday, it was great, and I have not been able to shake a feeling from it since. They referenced some great scripture, that caused me to look into it more, look at others, and really analyze and question things about my life, and my love.

Matthew 22:37-40 reads, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’. All the Law and the prophets hang on these two commandments”
Oh, the “Greatest Command”… How often I forget that this comes first. But it is written right there in Matthew that first and greatest command is to Love my God with everything that I have, and by doing this first with all my heart, soul, and mind, the rest should come more naturally. And then it follows by saying that the second (important like the first) is to love my neighbor as myself. I have to say, that there are times I must obviously not love myself very much due to the lack of love I show others. It’s not just the stranger on the road that doesn’t use his/her blinker or someone from my past that brings up negative memories that I show this lack of love to, it is even my dearest of friends or family members. How can that be!?! It is a command that I love!
“And this is his command: to believe in the name of his son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us” 1 John 3:23

“If anyone boasts, “I love God”, and goes on hating his brother or sister, thinking nothing of it, he is a liar. If he won’t love the person he can see, how can he love the God he can’t see? The command we have from Christ is blunt; Loving God includes loving people. You’ve got to love both.” 1 John 4:20-21- the message
-umm, ouch!!
There are people in my life that I have an opportunity to show daily/weekly love for. No, I don’t hate people, but I often am scared to love people the way I should, for many different reasons. Scared of being hurt, scared to form new relationships, scared of consequences of what people would think if I were close to some, and scared of it taking too much time out of my already busy life… however, the good book has an answer for that one too!
“There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life- fear of death, fear of judgement-is one not yet fully formed in love.” 1 john 4:18

I believe in Jesus Christ, and desire to have a life lived like him.. but how can I if I’m falling short here at step 1?? As I read through many of these verses I’m trying to let go of things, and truly love people as I love myself. To truly forgive (like I’ve already thought I had) and love, be a disciple of God’s word to those who don’t know Him, or don’t want to know Him- because I love these people.
“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” John 13:35
This means things could be hard. Uncomfortable. Hurtful. Time consuming. But, nothing will ever compare to the Love that He showed me, so I should never complain and instead be grateful and count my many many many many blessings for all He has given me.
“And so we know and rely on the love God has for us” 1 John 4:16- this will get me through. God’s love for me, and the love of God I should have for others.

So this is my request.. a simple prayer for my love for others. To not turn my back and wash my hands clean. To truly love and seek out the love God intends for me to have for everyone- and live it out. To not talk negatively about those I love, to live out the service I do always- not just at ‘service time’, pray for others more, to love like Jesus.

"This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome" God is definitely NOT asking too much of me!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Baseball and a Wedding!

July was spent watching some of the 7 year old World Series in Ringgold Georgia and then Celebrating Candace and Bradley's Big day!!

First the World Series.. We had so. much. fun.!!!! I know to most this doesn't make since, Brett and I don't have any children so why would we want to spend our only time off in the summer watching some other children play ball in the hot summer heat.. Because we love it!!! We've been lucky enough to get to know several of these families , and Brett has even coached some of these boys on a basketball team last winter. These kids, and their parents are so much fun! Luckily the Boykins don't mind us following them around! We love watching Andrew play ball, and have been doing it for several years now, and it seems as every year passes we get more and more in to it!! The time that we were there was spent going to the ball park and spending time at the hotel. It was like a great big tail gate while we were there, and if you know Brett and I, you know that is right up our alley!! Thank you to the Boykins for including us as your family on this trip.

Candace and Bradley's wedding... Was fabulous!! The whole weekend was great, the Bridesmaid luncheon was at the University Club and the Rehearsal dinner was at the Southern House and Garden near Fosters. It was such a fun day filled with good friends and family. The Wedding day was great as well!! The wedding was at Northport Baptist, with the reception at our church, University Church of Christ. Candace was absolutely.GORGEOUS!!! Just stunning!! There are no other words!!!! Brett and I both were honored to be in the wedding to share such a fun and special day. The wedding was just beautiful, Julie, (Candace's mom, Brett's Aunt) did an amazing job decorating both churches, major props to her!! We were so happy and excited to see Candace and Bradley get married, Candace- although Brett's cousin, became such a great friend to me!!! She was a friend put in my life when I needed one the most, and she helped me get through some of my toughest times.. We both learned alot from each other and grew so much!!! Brett and Bradley had many of their engineering classes together and spent many nights with late night studying!! Now Brett and I are crossing our fingers and toes, and praying that Bradley can get a great job here in town so they can stay in Tuscaloosa ;););)

-- Congratulations Candace and Bradley, we love y'all!!!!

--------Blogger isn't letting me upload any pictures, which is very unfortunate.. I'll try again later to get some up from both of these events!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


oh change... how you make me so anxious!! I am definitely one of those people that likes things to be planned out, have a schedule, BE ON TIME, be comfortable with my surroundings, and form a routine. For the past year and a half I have gotten up every week day and gone to The University of Alabama's Children's Program at the Child Development Research Center. That is now about to change... I have loved working at The Children's Program, I have made life-long friends, I have learned so much, and formed some pretty special bonds with some pretty awesome children! But now, I am changing that... Starting in the beginning of August I will be working at University Church of Christ's Preschool Program. This was a decision Brett and I made together. We discussed it, prayed about it, and thought about what a change would do. All doors opened at University Church. It wasn't that I was unhappy at UA's Children's Program, it was just that something was missing. Brett and I have been blessed immeasurably by University Church of Christ and consider that church family, our family. I'm excited to be working there with some of the members children as well as meeting many new faces. I'm excited about fulfilling the children's spiritual needs (along with mental, physical, and cognitive development) using Bible stories, songs, and trying to lead by the example of Christ.

My last day at The University was a tough one.. I worked with a fabulous teacher, that became a dear friend. Jessy made going to work better, and taught me alot!! She made my last day special.. I walked in to work my last day and saw this..

The children were holding papers that said We <3>

I was tackled :) I will deeply miss these children, I had been with some of them through 2 classes, and they are so dear in my heart!! I will greatly miss so much about the Children's Program, but know that I'll be able come back and visit, and use The Children's Program as a resource for many years to come!!

I start in my new class room in August, and I'm so excited!! Although the change is making me anxious and nervous, I know it's a good thing, and God is will take care of it all!!

I've got this week and next off, and I am enjoying some down time!! I plan on having a spick and span clean house- with many things re-organized and put away! Getting all of my 'teaching stuff' organized and ready for my new class, and cooking dinner as much as I can for my sweet husband.. who might I add, has been wonderful with his support for me in the job switch, continuously prays for me, and always pushes me!!

Last weekend we went to Ringgold Georgia to watch the Northport Nationals play in the world series, we had such a great time and didn't want to leave! I'll blog on that soon! The Nationals are still there continuing to play, Go Nationals!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Lake, 4th of July, and Baseball!!

What a world wind of the past couple weeks have we had, but it's been great, and we wouldn't want it any other way!! The past couple weeks have been spent mostly at the lake, a ball park, or in our car :) That's what summers all about right, going till you can't go anymore!!! We are truly blessed with so many outlets of things to do and friends to do them with!

We spent the Fourth of July out at Sunshine Pointe on Lake Tuscaloosa, the same thing we've been doing the past several years- and we always have so much fun!! Thank you thank you to the hospitality shown by all those involved!! Brett and I spent the day mostly watching the youth group in the lake, and it was so nice to sit back on the swing and watch (and listen) to them laughing away at their craziness! Towards sunset is always my favorite time of the day at the lake, when the sun is getting lower and lower and reflecting against the water.. it's breath taking! I often have to stop and close my eyes while I smile and say prayer of thanksgiving for such beauty our God created for us to enjoy so thoroughly!!

Saturday before the 4th Brett and I went for a ride with our good friends the Davis'.. we rode from one end of the lake to the other, just taking it all in, it was a great day for a ride, and always wonderful when friends are involved!! Huge thank you, Andy & Glisa, for allowing us to take the boat out- Brett and I enjoy it so much and always have a great time-- the only thing missing that day was y'all!!

Throughout the past week we have been going back and forth to watch the Northport Nationals play in the State Tournament. Yes, you can call Brett and I crazy, but we just love it!!! Brett and I are sports fans, and we know several of the boys playing- and we absolutely have a ball watching them play! We even get a little fanatic at times as well! I think this is just preparation for when our children get into sports!! Although the boys fell a little short in the championship game, it was a great week of great baseball. Next stop... the world series!!

I've posted some pictures from the past week or 2, they are kind of crazy out of order and a few duplicates, blogger wasn't letting me delete or move any of them it just didn't want to cooperate with me!!

A picture of some of the Fireworks at the lake (pics don't do the show justice!! It was a Great show!!!)


Brett's little buddy

Part of the sister's cheering squad!!

Random picture next... This would be the almond crust of a Paleo Key Lime pie Brett and I attempted to make...

He really did help... with "Bones" in sight!

So, no... there is not a finished product picture of the Key Lime Pie.. why?? Because it was DISGUSTING!!!! Seriously, neither one of us could even hardly stand ONE bite!! Oh Paleo, only 22 more days--- but who's counting!?!?!!?

Now, more firework-- sorry guys, it just wouldn't let me delete or move pictures today!

part of the Firework shooting crew

ahh, I just love the lake!

back to baseball... (and that was Kirby's snow cone- I wouldn't waste a cheat meal on that thing :))

Back to the lake!

Brett and Clayton driving us around

This weekend we are heading to Greenville to celebrate my nephew's (Kemper) 2nd Birthday!! Both of my parents will be in town, along with brothers and sister, so it should be a great weekend!!