Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Gulf Coast Zoo

While at the Beach we decided to take a break from the direct sun for one morning so while the boys were playing golf, Mrs. Sharon and I headed to the Gulf Coast Zoo with John William.  John William LOVES animals.  When any animal comes around he gets this high pitch voice and points and reaches out to grab the animal, or wave them near.  He loves to pet dogs and try to hug anything he can!  I knew he'd love the zoo!

I didn't take many pictures of the animals because, sadly, I left my camera at home :(

He likes to make "Ooooo" noises at the animals!

He really enjoyed feeding the animals too!

And he only tried to eat it himself once!

He couldn't decide which animals to stay with!

This Zoo had lots of options for hands on exhibits for older children.  John William would have enjoyed all of them, but because he was younger we decided we'd wait for him to pet the reptiles, jump with the Joey's, and get in the Lemur cage!  We'll be looking forward to Boo at the Zoo this year!

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